ingredients (成分):

- 400 gram of dried noodle (四百干面条的)
- 100  gram of shrimp without skin (蝦無皮膚)
- 10 meatballs, cut into smaller pieces (十肉丸, 切成小塊)
- 100 gram of carrot, cut into smaller pieces (百克胡蘿蔔, 切成小塊)
- 150 gram of cauliflower (150 菜花)
- 25 gram of shiitake or champignon mushroom, boiled until cocked (二十五克香蕈蘑菇香菇, 水煮至熟)
- 500 ml of shrimp broth (500 毫升蝦肉湯)
- 1 teaspoon of cornstarch (生粉一茶匙)
- 5 cloves of garlic (5 大蒜丁香)
- 1 onion ring (1個洋蔥圈)
- 1 teaspoon of sesame oil (1茶匙麻油)
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt (1/2茶匙鹽)


Fried noodles until it dry. Remove and drain. Saute garlic and onions until fragrant. Add the shrimp and meatballs, stir until its color changes. Add shrimp broth, wait until it be boiled
Add the carrots, cook half. Add cauliflower and shiitake mushrooms, and cook until it done. Pour the cornstarch while you continuing to stir. Cook until bubbling, remove from heat. Put the dried fried noodles on a serving plate. Flush with shrimp and vegetable.


Happy Cooking :)